Leadership for Women


What does “Women in Leadership” involve?

Marie-Soleil had the opportunity to reflect on this important question from all angles, and to help clarify the concept, during the two-day “Women in Leadership” training course organized by Aéro Montréal at HEC Montréal.

The training group was comprised of 18 women who had been working in the industry for some time, allowing Marie-Soleil to strengthen her network and meet new people who, like her, are making a difference in the world of aerospace every day.

From a historical overview of the concept to its mainstreaming in modern society, the members of the group were also able to discuss their vision of leadership and how they position themselves in relation to it.

Communication, management styles, conflict management and risk-taking are all categories where many unconscious biases still persist and create obstacles to inclusion, performance, commitment and innovation.

“It was an information-packed training session that highlighted the barriers faced by women in executive positions and the paradigm shift that is taking place as women increasingly move into decision-making positions with an approach that is sometimes different, but just as effective.”

Innovation isn't always about technology, it's also about evolving and challenging ourselves. For our industry to maintain its momentum, promoting equal opportunities based on universal values and respect can only propel us towards the success of all our objectives.

A big thank you to Marie-Soleil for taking the time to discuss her training with us!